Posts tagged Dartford
The Commitments UK Tour - Review

The Commitments UK Tour Review at The Orchard Theatre in Dartford, Kent, with Site and Search and Things for kids in Kent - After an amazing five year run in the West End, ‘The Commitments’, based on a BAFTA award-winning film and novel, has started its long-awaited UK theatre tour and we are extremely pleased to say that if you are even a little bit in love with music, then this is one show you must go and see.

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Jumping the Shark - Review

For anyone that hasn’t heard of the phrase ‘Jumping the Shark’ it is referred to by script writers, when the fear of a popular tv show goes from amazing to bombing literally over-night, due to a stupid, unrealistic plot, leaving the viewers not happy at all. It comes from a moment, back in the 80’s, when an American, (very) popular, funny and slightly cool tv show, showed one of the main cast water ski-ing and jumped over a shark! … The viewers were not impressed at all and the ratings dramatically went down fast. … A script writer’s worst nightmare!

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Willy Russell's Blood Brothers - Review

Willy Russell’s Blood Brothers Review at The Orchard Theatre, Dartford, Kent - Blood Brothers is a story of a family growing up through tough times in Liverpool, with seven children and twins on the way, the father upped and left, leaving Mrs Johnstone, a young single Mother barely being able to afford decent meals or toys for the kids and struggling to make ends meet.

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Friendsical the Musical - Review

Friendsical the Musical Review - We intensely watched, related, laughed and we loved. We loved the stories and the characters, so much so, if we didn’t want to be one of them, we wanted to date one of them! … Sadly, all good things must come to an end and in 2004 Friends left our screens for good …. Until an unnamed tv channel started repeatedly playing episodes on loop that is, but hey, this meant that the next-gen became as hooked as us oldies were. So the title of an Iconic show is well and truly deserved!

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The Play That Goes Wrong - Review

Telling the tale of the Murder at Haversham Manor, brings many twists, but only because the actors can’t quite keep up … sometimes because they are juggling the props, sometimes due to losing consciousness! But the audience does not care, they are away from real life, laughing their heads off throughout. This is one very clever, incredibly amusing, piece of theatre that EVERYONE should go and see!

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Waitress The Musical - Review

Waitress Review - a musical comedy, based a charming, lovely-natured young woman, called Jenna, who has found herself trapped in an abusive marriage, looking for a way to escape and build herself a better future. With the help of her two faithful friends from work, along with the confidence boost she starts getting from a certain questionable local Doctor, she finds the self-belief she needs to start planning for a much brighter future.

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School of Rock The Musical - Review

Andrew Lloyd Webber’s School of Rock The Musical Review at The Orchard Theatre, Dartford, Kent. If you don't already know, 'School of Rock' is a story about a middle-aged, failed rock star, Dewey Finn, who takes it upon himself to fake his way into being a supply teacher for a bit of cash to help pay his rent, by fooling everyone into thinking his name is that of his only friend’s, Ned Schneebly and soon realises his talents are best suited to a being a music teacher in order to survive the lie and soon goes about dragging the kids into the con. Theatre Review.

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Chicago The Musical - Review

Chicago The Musical Theatre Review at The Orchard Theatre in Dartford, Kent - Chicago, The Musical, starring Russell Watson and Sheila Ferguson, is about glamourous women, committing murder, being caught and facing hanging for their crimes, but their style, beauty and seduction manages to set them free. To Maurine Watkins this became very obvious and in mid-1920’s a Chicago newspaper ran a headline which says “Pretty Girls Get Free, Ugly Ones Sent To Pen”.

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Peter James' Looking Good Dead - Play Review

Peter James is the UK’s number one bestselling author of Crime and Thriller novels and his stories are so good that four previous books have been adapted into plays, successfully thrilling audiences around UK theatre. These exciting plays are based on Peter’s award-winning books, but from various perspectives, not just of Roy Grace, a fictional, Brighton based Detective Superintendent played by Harry Long. ‘Looking Good Dead’ is a story where a regular guy, Tom Bryce, tried to do a good deed, yet managed to end up with his whole family’s life in danger.

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Jersey Boys - Show Review

Review: Jersey Boys at The Orchard Theatre - For those of you that don’t know, Jersey Boys is a story of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, about how they came together and their journey into becoming a sensational pop group and gave us an insight into their off-stage personal, New Jersey style lifestyle that came with it.

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Jack and The Beanstalk Pantomime - Review

We were thrilled to be invited down to The Orchard Theatre in Dartford, Kent last night to the press night of their amazing Pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk and what can I say, it was every bit of awesome you could imagine a Panto to be … Oh yes it was!

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Rock of Ages - Theatre Review

Review: We were thrilled to be invited to The Orchard Theatre’s press night, in Dartford last night, to see ‘Rock of Ages’ a fantastically, funny musical, which wasn’t something I was expecting to be as good as it turned out to be! It literally had us up on our feet and leaving the auditorium wanting to punch the air and change the world! – WE WALKED OUT OF THERE BUZZING!!!

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