Jay Foreman 'Disgusting Songs for Revolting Children' - Review

Jay Foreman Performs at The Hazlitt Theatre - Review

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We went to The Hazlitt Theatre in Maidstone to see Jay Foreman's 'Disgusting Songs for Revolting Children' and boy were the songs disgusting!!!.... And really flipping funny!

 We enjoyed an hour of hilarious songs and ditties like - ‘Spirograph’, ‘Trousers’, ‘The Bear’, ‘Angry Birds’, ‘Martin the Monkey’ and more, including the very gross song ‘Skin Sofa’.

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 For those that haven't heard of Jay Foreman, the best way for me to describe him is the Richard Digance for kids. We go to Theatre ALOT and have seen many family shows from musicals to CBeebies, but this was a brand new genre of entertainment for my six year old, theatre obsessed son, who absolutely loved the naughty songs. The only problem was he sang a couple quite loudly on the train the next day! The person sat next to us was a little shocked to hear him singing about how we 'paid a cleaner to kill our cat!

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Our boy loved every second and had this to say …

The show was really good! Most of the songs makes sense, except that his car runs on caterpillar sick, but that is why it was so funny!
— TFKIK Mini Reviewer
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Would we recommend Jay Foreman's show? YES!! It's funny, it's naughty, it's great fun and it opens the kids eyes to a brand new entertainment experience!

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 Would we recommend the Hazlitt Theatre? HELL YEAH!! They have so many fantastic shows suitable for all ages. More & more children's shows perform at this fab Maidstone Theatre & if you want to encourage your children to widen their imagination, then The Hazlitt Theatre can certainly help you with that, putting that to one side, it’s always a great family afternoon out!

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Have you been to The Hazlitt Theatre to see a show? We would love to hear about your experience and also find out what shows you would love to see come to Maidstone, so please comment below and I’ll be sure to pass on your feedback.